First-time setup

When your Hotelist instance is installed, you will be sent a login URL (unique for your Hotel) as well as a username/password pair.

Please store all of the above data in a secure place. Anyone with access to this information will be able to access your hotel's account!

Once you login for the first time, there are a few configuration steps that need to be set-up before you can start using the software:

  1. Hotel information: Navigate to System -> Hotelist Settings from the main menu on your left, and fill in the requested information, as best as possible.
  2. Room Types: Navigate to Rooms/Room Types -> Room Types, and add your room types (e.g. Double Room, Suite, Villa) by the "New Type" button on the top right of the window.
  3. Rooms: Navigate to Rooms/Room Types -> Rooms, and add your rooms (e.g. A010, B12, 9095 etc) selecting the room type for each room. Please note that after saving, you cannot change the room's type (contact support for these changes). You can rearrange rooms by clicking and dragging up and down on the Rooms List window.
  4. Finance Extras (optional): If you have purchased the Financing & Invoicing add-on, you should enter any extra charges that your Hotel offers, such as "Spa, Extra Bed, Room Service" or any others that you might need. To do this, you need to navigate to Financial -> Extra Charges, enter the extra charge's description, the type (when and how to charge) and the price, and save.
  5. Housekeeping settings (optional): If you have purchased the Housekeeping add-on, you must create the Housekeeping actions that will be available to you in the future. To do this, navigate to Housekeeping -> Settings. Add the housekeeping action (e.g. Change Towels), the frequency and the Room Types that this action applies to, and save.
  6. Email Templates (optional): If you have purchased the Email Tools add-on, you should create your Templates that will be used all around the application, for automations, newsletters, custom emails etc. To create a template, Navigate to Email Manager -> Templates and click the "Create Template" button above. You can add configurable blocks to your email by clicking the "Add block" button, under the name.
  7. Hotel Seasons (optional): If you purchased the Channel manager or Online Booking add-on, you have the option to create seasons for your Hotel, that will help you in updating your prices, availabilities and restrictions massively, based on seasons rather than From -> To dates. To do this, navigate to Channel Manager -> Hotel Seasons and click "New Season" from the buttons at the top.
  8. Rates (optional): Add your rates for your Online Booking or Channel Manager add-ons by updating the previously created Seasons or by navigating to Channel Manager -> Availability and prices, and click the respective button on the top right.
  9. Daily notifications: Inside System -> Hotelist Settings you will find a section called "Reservation Notification settings"; you can use it to create custom notifications to your email depending on various reservation data. Hotelist will send you a daily email containing these notifications based on their criteria.


Congratulations, your Hotelist initial setup is finished! Please proceed to the next step to learn how to use the application properly and efficiently.