Managing your rates and restrictions can be done in 2 ways. The first is through the season subsystem, where you define your Hotel's seasons and change prices for your room types per season, massively. The second way is to add your rates and restrictions separately using "from - to" dates.
Navigate to "Channel Manager > Hotel Seasons" from the main menu. Click on the "+ New Season" button at the top toolbar to open the new season form. Fill in the season's name (e.g. High Season) and use the "+ New period" button to add all the periods that define this season. You may enter as many periods as you need.
After creating your season, click "Save season & periods". Your season will be saved and you will now be able to use it for updating rates and restrictions.
To update rates & restrictions per season, click the button "Prices & Restrictions" of the season you wish to work on. A table will de displayed showing a list of your room types. Fill the rates and restrictions per room type. On the right hand side you can select the year of validity (which year to apply these values to) the rate plan as well as the restrictions plan that you wish to update. To perform the update, click "Update Season".
You may update rates and restrictions between dates, individually, by navigating to "Channel Manager -> Availability & Prices" from the main menu. At the top of this section, the toolbar contains four buttons, "Change Rates", "Change Availability", "Change Restrictions", "Change All".
To update the rates, click on the "Change Rates" button. On the popup that will appear, fill in:
Set the rate value and click "Save".
All the changes you perform go into a "Pending Updates" state. To make them permanent, click "Apply changes & send to channels".
To update the availability, click the button "Change Availability". On the popup that will appear, fill in:
Enter the availability value for each room type, and click "Save".
To allow a room type to be sold only on your Online Booking engine and not in the rest of the channels (booking, expedia etc), then de-select the checkbox right next to the room type availability input box.
The system will try to protect you from overbookings, if the availability number you are trying to set is bigger than the real number of available rooms.
Click on "Apply changes & send to channels" to make these changes permanent.
To update your room types restrictions, click on "Change restrictions". On the popup that will appear, fill in:
Set the minimum and maximum stay per room type and click "Save".
To Stop Sales (do not sell anywhere at all) per room type, check the box right next to the maximum stay input box.
Click on "Apply changes & send to channels" to make these changes permanent. The button "Change All" opens up a popup with all the previous 2 forms, combined.